Wellbore Formation
The wellbore formation represents the rock properties and the fluid properties within the subsurface reservoir (formation) from where the fluids are being produced. In most cases a wellbore will only produce from one formation, however there are cases where wellbore will produce from two or more formations.
The unique constraint on wellbore formation entires is sourceWellId + sourceWellboreId + sourceId + startDate
The Is Nullable? column below reflects whether the API will accept or reject a record to facilitate a streamlined data ingest process and subsequent validation / cleanup. Please refer to the Data Requirements for Modeling section for a more precise summary of the data requirements for well modeling.
Variables in red below will be deprecated in a future release and are no longer required
Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
sourceId | String | - | No | - | Unique source ID for the Formation. Commonly this will match the name. |
sourceWellId | String | - | No | - | Must match the sourceId of the Well Table |
sourceWellboreId | String | - | No | - | Must match the sourceId of the Wellbore Table |
startDate | Datetime Offset | - | Yes | 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 | Datetime that the formation properties become applicable. Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |
name | String | - | No | - | Name of the Wellbore Formation |
allocationFactor | Double | decimal percent | Yes | 1.0 | Allocation of production assigned to this formation |
compressibilityRock | Double | 1/psi | Yes | 3E-6 | Formation rock compressibility |
pressureFormationInitialDatum | Double | psia | No | - | The initial reservoir pressure value |
temperatureFormationDatum | Double | degF | No | - | The reservoir temperature value |
depth | Double | ft | No | - | Measured depth of the formation top |
thicknessFormation | Double | ft | Yes | - | Thickness of the formation |
porosity | Double | decimal percent | Yes | - | Porosity of the formation |
saturationWaterInitial | Double | decimal percent | Yes | - | Initial water saturation |
saturationGasInitial | Double | decimal percent | Yes | 0.0 | Initial gas saturation |
saturationOilInitial | Double | decimal percent | Yes | - | Initial oil saturation |
primaryFluidType | String | - | No | OIL | OIL GAS WATER |
rsi | Double | scf/STB | No | - | Initial solution gas oil ratio |
condensateGasRatio | Double | STB/scf | Yes | - | Condensate gas Ratio |
waterGasRatio | Double | STB/scf | Yes | - | Water gas ratio |
originalGasInPlace | Double | scf | Yes | - | Estimated original gas in place |
originalOilInPlace | Double | STB | Yes | - | Estimated original oil in place |
volumeAcquiferInitial | Double | STB | Yes | - | Initial aquifer volume |
fluidGravityApi | Double | API degrees | No | - | Oil API gravity |
fluidGravityGas | Double | specific gravity | No | - | Gas specific gravity |
fluidSalinityWater | Double | ppm | No | - | Water salinity |
fluidComingledGOR | Double | scf/STB | Yes | - | Gas Oil Ratio of the co-mingled fluid in multi wellbore wells |
fluidMolarFracN2 | Double | decimal percent | Yes | 0.0 | Molar fraction N2 |
fluidMolarFracCO2 | Double | decimal percent | Yes | 0.0 | Molar fraction CO2 |
fluidMolarFracH2S | Double | decimal percent | Yes | 0.0 | Molar fraction H2S |
langmuirPressure | Double | psig | Yes | - | Langmuir pressure (for coal seam gas reservoirs) |
langmuirVolume | Double | scf/ft | Yes | - | Langmuir volume (for coal seam gas reservoirs) |
initialGasContent | Double | scf/ft | Yes | - | Initial gas content (for coal seam gas reservoirs) |
bulkDensity | Double | lb/ft3 | Yes | - | Bulk density (for coal seam gas reservoirs) |
Start Date Notes
For wells with constant fluid and rock properties over time, this can be NULL and the properties will apply for the entire life of the well.
For wells with changing fluid and rock properties over time, NULL will be treated as 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 (although non-NULL startDate values are preferred) and subsequent valid datetimes will trigger the change in properties in the modeling process.
Note: For formations which change over time, the Name / SourceId field must be the consistent for every entry of that formation or it will be assumed that the well has multiple formations/producing zones that vary over time.
Name Notes
It is critical to ensure consistency in formation name when adding multiple formations for a wellbore over time. As allocation factors and fluid properties vary over time, the name will be the common link between the records.
Allocation Factor Notes
If the allocation factor is null, it will be assumed to be 1 (or 100%) if the wellbore has a single formation. If the wellbore has multiple formations, a normalization will occur to attempt, using the best data available, to reconcile the sum of allocation factors to 1.
Initial Oil Saturation Notes
If the saturationOilInitial value is NULL, then the default saturationOilInitial value will be calculated at: (1 - saturationWaterInitial)
Initial Gas Saturation Notes
If the saturationGasInitial value is NULL, then the default saturationGasInitial value will be 0.0
Condition | Response |
name OR sourceWellboreId is NULL or Empty | Record rejected |
name OR sourceWellboreId does not exist | Record rejected |
Variable | Required for Unconventional Wells? | Unconventional Models | Required for Conventional Wells? | Conventional Models |
sourceId | | | | |
sourceWellId | | | | |
sourceWellboreId | | | | |
startDate | | Only if properties change | | Only if properties change |
name | | | | |
allocationFactor | | Composite fluid properties for the well | | Material Balance |
compressibilityRock | | Dynamic drainage volume, PIBF | | Shut-in radial flow, Material Balance |
pressureFormationInitialDatum | | Dynamic drainage volume | | Material balance |
temperatureFormationDatum | | Dynamic drainage volume, Bottomhole pressure, PIBF | | Shut-in radial flow, Material Balance |
depth | | Bottomhole pressure | | Bottomhole pressure |
thicknessFormation | | | | Shut-in radial flow |
porosity | | | | Shut-in radial flow, Material Balance |
saturationWaterInitial | | | | Shut-in radial flow, Material Balance |
saturationGasInitial | | | | Material balance |
saturationOilInitial | | | | |
primaryFluidType | | | | |
rsi | | PVT | | PVT |
condensateGasRatio | | | | |
waterGasRatio | | | | |
originalGasInPlace | | | | Gas well material balance |
originalOilInPlace | | | | Oil well material balance |
volumeAquiferInitial | | | | Aquifer modeling (material balance) |
fluidGravityApi | | PVT | | PVT |
fluidGravityGas | | PVT | | PVT |
fluidSalinityWater | | PVT | | PVT |
fluidComingledGOR | | | | |
fluidMolarFracN2 | | PVT | | PVT |
fluidMolarFracCO2 | | PVT | | PVT |
fluidMolarFracH2S | | PVT | | PVT |