Wellbore Downhole Equipment
Wellbore downhole equipment is mainly used for downhole pressure gauges. When a gauge appears in this table, during its run duration, the system will compute bottomhole pressure at the same measured depth the gauge is set for comparison purposes.
It is recommended to only enter gauge information here for tubing installed or retrievable downhole gauges that have daily pressure measurements recorded in the gaugePressure field in the Daily Production table.
ESP intake, ESP discharge, and SRP intake gauges are assumed to be at the appropriate pump depths when data appears in the Daily Production table. Depths for those gauges should not be recorded here.

Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
sourceId | String | - | No | - |  |
sourceWellId | String | - | No | - |  |
sourceWellboreId | String | - | No | - |  |
type | Enum | - | No | - | Downhole Equipment Type: "DOWNHOLEGAUGE" |
topMd | Double | ft | No | 0.0 | Top Depth |
bottomMd | Double | ft | No | - | Bottom Depth |
runDate | Datetime Offset | - | Yes | - | Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |
pullDate | Datetime Offset | - | Yes | - | Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |