Wellbore Casing
A well casing is a lining that is installed into the wellbore once it is drilled. It surrounds the well entirely. Casing is typically hollow steel pipe that lines the inside of the wellbore. The well casing is constructed in multiple sections. The interior of the casing is composed of steel and is smaller than the diameter of the well. The exterior of the casing is made of concrete poured into the gap between the well and steel casing once it has been inserted. The thickness of the casing varies depending on depth, with the casing being thicker near the top of the well.
Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
sourceId | String | - | No | - | From Wellview Table: wvcas - use idrec column From OpenWells Table: cd_assembly - use assembly_id column |
sourceWellId | String | - | No | - | From Wellview Table: wvcas - use idwell column From OpenWells Table: cd_assembly - use well_id column |
sourceWellboreId | String | - | No | - | From Wellview Table: wvcas - use idrecwellbore column From OpenWells Table: cd_assembly - use wellbore_id column |
topMd | Double | ft | No | 0.0 | Top measured depth of casing |
bottomMd | Double | ft | No | - | Bottom measured depth of casing |
id | Double | in | No | - | Inner diameter of casing From Wellview Table: wvcas - use SZIDNOMMINCALC column |
od | Double | in | No | - | Outer diameter of casing From Wellview Table: wvcas - use SZODNOMMINCALC column |
roughness | Double | in | Yes | 0.0006 | Absolute roughness coefficient of casing material |
runDate | Datetime Offset | - | Yes | - | Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |
Wellbore Casing Notes
Every well requires casing data. Wells with no casing data will fail a data integrity check. If a well fails the data integrity check the system will not compute values for that well
Top Measured Depth Notes
If the topMd is NULL, the system will assume 0ft as the default topMd value
Roughness Notes
If the roughness is NULL, the system will assume 0.0003 as the default roughness value.
Condition | Response |
sourceId, sourceWellId, OR sourceWellboreId is NULL or Empty | Record Rejected |
uwisourceId, sourceWellId, OR sourceWellboreId does not exist | Record Rejected |