Network Pipe Definition
The Network Pipe Definition defines pipes in the network.
The unique constraint on Network Pipe definition is sourceNetworkId + sourceId + date.
UpstreamSourceId and downstreamSourceId need to define Joints, which are virtual objects without dedicated headers. Care must be taken to define them consistently here to maintain the integrity of the network and enable joint constraints to be applied.
Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
sourceNetworkId | String | - | No | - | Source ID of Network Header |
sourceId | String | - | No | - | Source ID for the pipe definition. This sourceID enables upsert functionality from client source systems of record |
date | DateTimeOffset | - | No | - | Date at which the pipe becomes part of the network. Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |
upstreamSourceId | String | - | No | - | Source ID of the upstream node |
downstreamSourceId | String | - | No | - | Source ID of the downstream node |
enabled | Bool | - | No | - | Whether the pipe should participate in the network (false would be the equivalent of a mask in GAP) |
length | List<Double> | ft | No | - | List of lengths making up the pipe segments. All pipe property lists must be the same length. |
trueVerticalDepth | List<Double> | ft | No | - | List of true vertical depths making up the pipe segments. All pipe property lists must be the same length. |
innerDiameter | List<Double> | in | No | - | List of inner diamters making up the pipe segments. All pipe property lists must be the same length. |
roughness | List<Double> | in | No | - | List of roughnesses making up the pipe segments. All pipe property lists must be the same length. |