Data Schema
If daily production comes from a measured source opposed to allocations, data can be pushed to the allocation table to ensure forecasting results are consistent with business reporting standards.
Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
uwi | String | - | No | - | Unique Well Identifier |
date | Datetime Offset | - | No | - | Datetime offset (with timezone) in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2022-09-27T16:28:37+0000 |
oilRate | Double | bbl/d | No | 0.0 | Oil Flow Rate |
gasRate | Double | Mscf/d | No | 0.0 | Gas Flow Rate |
waterRate | Double | bbl/d | No | 0.0 | Water Flow Rate |
factor | Double |  | No | - | Allocation Factor |