
Well Performance


The well performance dashboard gives you a snapshot of the performance of every well in the selected group (group1 from the Well table). To change groups, use the dropdown at the top of the screen.

Document image

The well performance dashboard will anchor on the most recent day of production imported into ProdX. This is often t-1 or t-2 days, as allocation systems lag behind the present day. The date displayed in the top right shows the most recent production date imported into the system (in the time zone of the wells in the selected group).

Table Columns

The columns on the well performance table are summarized as follows:

  • Well Name - Lists the well name and current lift type inferred from daily production records
  • Setpoint - Current setpoint of the well based on the inferred artificial lift type
  • Setpoint Opportunity - If an opportunity to adjust an artificial lift setpoint yields a positive cash flow opportunity for the well, it will appear here
  • Workover Opportunity - Based on the Artificial Lift Timing and Selection (ALTS) workflow, alternate artificial lift scenarios are modeled automatically, and scenarios which present a positive cash flow opportunity compared to the current configuration of the well are listed here
  • Prod Delta - shows the deferral of the primary phase based on the forecasted PI and actual bottomhole pressure compared to actual primary phase rates on the present day
  • Target 2M - Shows a sparkline of primary phase rates (oil or gas, green or red curve) compared to the Productivity Index-Based Forecast (PIBF, dashed purple line). The purple line to the left of the vertical plotline (black) is a 30 day hindcast (PI fit as of 30 days ago forecasted using actual bottomhole pressure). The purple line to the right of the vertical plotline (black) is a 30 day forecast (PI fit as of today and forecasted BHP).
  • Issues - Summarizes the anomalies or issues detected by ProdX for the current day
  • Notes - Shows a white note icon if there is a past note for the well, a yellow note if one has been added today, and a purple circle if a setpoint change has been saved for the current day.
  • Analysis - Links to "Level 2" detailed workflows specifically for that well. Available level 2 pages vary by well primary fluid and current lift type but generally include:
    • Production (daily data)
    • Bottomhole Pressure (traverse)
    • Artificial Lift Timing and Selection
    • Issues
    • Time Series (SCADA)
    • Liquid Loading Detection
    • Gas Lift

Table Cells

Clicking on any "cell" in the table will expand the row for that well allowing you to view quick diagnostics related to the selected item. Some examples include: daily production, ESP or Gas Lift performance curves, ALTS IPR/VLP and forecast comparison, and issue history.

Expanded table row
Expanded table row

Analysis / Level 2 Screens

Hovering over the main menu allows you to quickly jump to any of the detailed well analysis / "level 2" screens.

Document image

Additionally, clicking on any of the pages under the analysis dropdown will also navigate to "level 2".

Analysis menu
Analysis menu

In Level 2, you can change the well with the well list on the left side of the screen (or collapse the well list to maximize screen space). You can change the group or the page at the top of the screen in the breadcrumb or via the main menu as shown below.