Developer Docs

API Limitations

Multi-Threaded API Request Support

Multi Threaded/Concurrent API requests from a single API client are supported with the following constraints:

  1. Do not exceed 10,000 API requests per second
  2. Limited to 20 concurrent threads per client

Exceeding these limits may result in an API rate limit or DDoS error being returned from the API Gateway

API Rate Limiting and DDoS

The API rate limit for uploads 10,000 requests per second. Exceeding the request limit will result in a 429 Error from the API gateway.

Max Payload Size

The API Gateway has a maximum payload size of 10MB. Exceeding 10MB in a single POST request will return a 413 Error from the API gateway


Requests have a timeout of 29.5 seconds. If a timeout is experienced, data will still be inserted, it simply indicates that the operation took longer than 29.5 seconds to complete.