The well table defines a "well header" with important information about the well, its identifiers, and the location. The well's sourceId must be globally unique.
Variable | Data Type | Unit of Measure | Is Nullable? | Default Value | Description |
sourceId | String | - | No | - | Source ID for Well From Wellview Table: wvwellheader - use idwell column From OpenWells Table: cd_well - use well_id column |
uwi | String | - | No | - | Unique Well Identifier. This should be a key that links to the production allocation system for daily production. |
name | String | - | No | - | Well Name |
group1 | String | - | Yes | - | Well Group 1 |
group2 | String | - | Yes | - | Well Group 2 |
group3 | String | - | Yes | - | Well Group 3 |
type | String | - | No | PRODUCER | Well Type: PRODUCER INJECTOR |
fluid | String | - | No | OIL | Fluid Type: OIL GAS WATER |
lat | Double | decimal degrees, WGS84 CRS | No | - | Surface Latitude Coordinate (for time zone reference and maps) |
lon | Double | decimal degrees, WGS84 CRS | No | - | Surface Longitude Coordinate (for time zone reference and maps) |
bottomholeLat | Double | decimal degrees, WGS84 CRS | Yes | - | Optional bottomhole latitude coordinate (for maps) |
bottomholeLon | Double | decimal degrees, WGS84 CRS | Yes | - | Optional bottomhole longitude coordinate (for maps) |
mudLine | Double | ft | Yes | - | Depth of the mud line for Offshore Wells For Onshore Wells, the value will be Null |
status | String | - | Yes | ACTIVE | Well status used to skip inactive wells for modeling and network optimization. Possible values: ACTIVE INACTIVE ABANDONED |
Grouping Fields: Group1, Group2, Group3 The group fields are used primarily for navigation and reporting purposes. A well can be grouped at three levels. Typically this would be as follows:
- Group1 = Field
- Group2 = Route
- Group3 = Pad
- Group1 = Asset
- Group2 = Facility
- Group3 = Cluster
When adding wells to the Well table, you decide which grouping data field from your source system is assigned to each grouping. You can also leave all/any grouping as NULL or empty. The important thing is that whatever you decide to use as groupings, you apply consistently across all wells.
Condition | Response |
UWI is NULL or Empty | Record Rejected |
type is NULL or Empty | Value defaults to PRODUCER |
fluid is NULL or Empty | Value defaults to OIL |
liftType is NULL or Empty | Value defaults to NATURAL_FLOW |
API | Scenario | Error Response |
Add / Upsert a Well | Missing UWI |  |
Add / Upsert a Well | UWI < 2 characters or > 16 characters | uwi length must be between 2 and 16 chars |
Add / Upsert a Well | UWI contains leading or trailing space characters | UWI must not contain leading or trailing spaces |
Fetch a Well | Missing or Invalid UWI |  |
Delete a Well | Missing or Invalid UWI | UWI: {UWI NAME} was not found |